And the school production this year is...

February 8th 2022

The Performing Arts Department are proud to launch the school production for this academic year as High School Musical!


Well done to everyone who guessed on our social media pages. Darcy in year 9 correctly guessed the production and will receive her prize shortly.


Important dates:

A meeting for anyone who wishes to audition for a main role - Wednesday 9th February at Lunchtime in PA1

Auditions - Tuesday 1st March After school (3pm onwards) in PA4

First whole cast/crew meeting - Tuesday 8th March after school in PA4

NB: ALL students are welcome to be a part of the production. this could be through a named role (audition only), Chorus, or Production Crew. No auditions are required for chorus or production crew, so come along to the meeting to find out more!


The show will be open to the public on the evenings of the 22nd/23rd/24th June 2022.

Further details of timings, ticket prices etc, will be communicated in due course.