
Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance (CEIAG)

Preparing our students and your children for the future is a huge part of what school is about. We want students to leave Clarendon being inspired to pursue further education/training or roles that are fit and right for them through being informed about a wide range of options available to them.

We do this through Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance (CEIAG) services offered to students, including the activities and learning taking place in each Key Stage. This programme is reviewed annually to ensure it's current and provides the best guidance for our students. 

If you have any questions about our CEIAG, please contact Hayden Smith (Head of Careers)

Tel: 01225 762686 ext. 257

Please click here to view our Provider Access and CEIAG Policies  

Our CEIAG currently includes: 

Personal Development Curriculum

Throughout their five-seven years at Clarendon, students will partake in Personal Development lessons (three times a fortnight in years 7, 8 and 9; once a fortnight in years 10 and 11 and once through the tutor programme in the sixth form).

Personal Development consist of a mixture of statutory Religious Education, PSHE, Career Information and Guidance and Citizenship. Through all of these combined, students should be able to leave Clarendon knowing their next steps and being prepared for them too, whatever they may be.

Tutor Programme

During tutor times, students will be exploring a range of topics linking to PSHE, Citizenship and Careers. This takes the form of discussions, videos, reading case studies and applying the situations to their lives.

Career Guidance Meetings

We now have in house careers guidance through our Head of Careers who has a Level 6 Diploma in Careers Guidance and Development. Having this resource means that the careers programme is well-round and relevant for our current students. Events and visitors are able to be specific for the needs of the students. Year 11 and 12 students will be assigned one-to-one careers sessions during the academic year, with year 9s and 7s receiving group sessions to discuss options and raising aspirations. Other year groups are able to sign up to times through the Head of Careers, Mr Hayden Smith.

Drop-down Days

Each year group throughout their time at Clarendon will have at least one day off timetable, but in school where we will invite visitors into school in regards to Careers, PHSE, Citizenship and Safety. An example of this is in October, Year 11s had a Future’s Day that involved rotations around five sessions: Careers presentation from Mr H. Smith (Head of Careers); ASK Apprenticeship virtual presentation; Sixth Form session with the Head of Sixth Form; Study Skills virtual session from Wessex Inspiration Network and Completing an application session with their tutors.

If you are able to support our school by volunteering to run an activity or event, please email

Futures Events

We want students to be well informed about what can be next for them. With this in mind, throughout their time at Clarendon they will experience an Aspirations Day – where employers will come in and talk about their work, how they got to where they are and any other routes that can get you there; Apprenticeship Fair – Apprenticeship Providers are welcomed into school to set up stalls and students can explore their options and ask questions about what is involved. University Visits – at least once before the end of year 11 and once in sixth form students will be invited to visit a university and explore Higher Education. During year 10 we visit Trowbridge College and University and have a taster day of different courses on offer. During year 11 we have a sixth form taster day to explore what option are available and whether they are right for them.

Work Experience/ Work Place Visits

Year 12 students are also supported in having a weeks work experience during the summer term. Year 10 students are encouraged to make private arrangements through family and friends to spend at least one day having a meaningful encounter with different job roles and do some shadowing. The Head of Careers also arranges in house work experience and emails regularly to students, opportunities to take part in virtual work experience.

Support for Transition Periods

During Year 9 students will have group advice when choosing their options in combination with a specific options evening when parents will be invited to speak with teachers and pastoral leaders about the variety of subjects and courses, and curriculum pathways available at Clarendon.

Year 11 students are offered one-to-one careers meetings to support in post 16 options. Year 10 have drop-down days to learn about different post 16 opportunities. In year 11, students also have a Sixth Form Taster Day, with College and Apprenticeship sessions available for those student who are unlikely to attend sixth form.

Sixth Form Provision

CEIAG in the Sixth Form will cover both Higher Education and non HE pathways. Support and guidance will be delivered through Assemblies and specific workshops updating CVs and practising interview skills, culminating in the Next Step Careers conference in Year 12. Students will then be supported through the UCAS process should they choose a university pathway, including specific Oxbridge guidance or be guided to explore apprenticeships and Further Education options, should this be more appropriate. Year 12 students are also required to seek work placements that can be organised as either a block placement at the end of Year 12 or as a regular part of their curriculum.


The Careers aspect of school life is unexamined but as a school, we keep records of student destinations to show the impact of their careers guidance and education. We also give regular feedback surveys after careers modules in Personal Development and after activities based on careers.

Career Pilot

Is a great resource which has pages giving advice and guidance for different year groups, for parents and carers and providing information for different aspects of careers. All of which support the work that we are doing in school. To access this resource follow this link:

Employer and Parent Engagement

The Clarendon Academy is very keen to develop and improve links with the employers, businesses, other organisations and parents who work within our local community. Through your involvement, support and personal experience, we feel our students will be able to gain a greater awareness and understanding about the world of work and the careers and opportunities available to them in the future, helping to broaden horizons and raise aspirations. There are also benefits for your organisation in terms of potential recruitment of our talented students as future employees, apprentices or volunteers.

We have an ever-growing database of contacts and possible offers of help. Any contribution you or your organisation can make will make a significant difference. Some examples of support offered might be careers talks to students, work experience placements, help with mock interviews, workplace visits, mentoring or notifying us of upcoming opportunities within your organisation. Please contact the Head of Careers (contact details at the top of the page) if you are able to support us.