Head of School Update – Changes to Control Measures

January 26th 2022

Dear Parents and Carers, 

As you may be aware, the government have relaxed the rules regarding the wearing of face masks in the classroom, and from tomorrow, the wearing of face masks in any indoor communal area. We would however like to recommend that students continue to wear face masks when at school. We will continue to make face masks available for students who want to wear one but do not have one.


All parents are advised to continue with the routine twice weekly lateral flow testing, and uploading your results to the GOV.UK website, and here at the school.  All information can be found here on the website.


What to do if your child develops symptoms or tests positive for coronavirus (COVID-19)


If your son/daughter develops symptoms of coronavirus (COVID-19), they should get a PCR test and remain at home until the result is known and they are fever free (without medication) for at least 24 hours.

  • If negative, your son/daughter can end self-isolation and return to school once well.
  • If positive, your son/daughter should isolate as a positive case (see below)


People who test positive for COVID-19 should self-isolate at home until they are well (48 hours fever free) and either:

  1. 10 full days have passed, or
  2. they have produced two negative LFD tests at least 24 hours apart, with the first taken no earlier than day 5.

If your son/daughter has a positive test but does not have symptoms, count the day they took the test as day 0. If they subsequently develop symptoms, shortly after a positive LFD test, a further PCR test is not required and the isolation period will be based on the original positive LFD test.

Further information is available at https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/coronavirus-covid-19/


As always, please do continue to contact us if you have any concerns.




Rob Price                                                       Craig Turze                                      David Cade

Executive Headteacher                              Head of School                              Head of School

07732800899                                                07511700837                                  07874796897


