Clarendon Sixth Form’s Form Equality and Diversity group update

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/ Clarendon Academy
June 23rd 2022

Clarendon Sixth Form’s Form Equality and Diversity group have been taking part in Pride events 20-24th June raising money for Stonewall and Swindon, Wiltshire Pride.

They have baked, face painted and partook in some fantastic karaoke sing-a-longs and had a year group picnic! 

along with selling stickers and rainbow badges to the rest of the school to raise awareness and spread the important message of being an ally. 

They have worked incredibly hard and shown maturity and commitment and should be really proud!

Sixth Form, staff and the rest of Clarendon have so far raised a grand total of £150! The money will be fundamental in educating and raising awareness of the issues that those in the LGBTQ+ community still face

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